Saturday, September 27, 2008

More on "the boys"

As you can see, the boys call me "Ganny". It was supposed to be Granny, but you know how little ones say what they want to. Now I DON'T want them to call me anything but "Ganny". We tried to get them to call my husband "Papa John". But that came out "Pop-Pop" which John just loves!! I was present at the delivery of those two beautiful boys. I was so proud of their mom, Kelly. She certainly was a trouper!! It has been often trying to raise twins, but Kelly and Heath are very good parents and I am very proud of both of them. At times it has taken a mountain of people to raise twin boys, but we are getting there!! They are (to me, their Ganny) the most handsome and sweetest little fellows that I have ever laid eyes on!!!!!! Okay, I know I get carried away, but hey, who doesn't??

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