Monday, November 17, 2008

I won an award, too!!!

Thanks, Mandy!! Hey, girl, I wonder if you know that your Mom borrowed a bunch of my Kelly's baby clothes for you when you were born!!!! We lived almost behind your aunt Faye and she commented on how cute Kelly's clothes were and so I loaned a bunch of them to her for you!! So you see, we go waaaaaaay back!! Your mom was so sweet. We went to your house one time when your parents had just added the addition to the house. And now I live over here in Northampton County and get to keep up with you on this blogging thing!!! Congratulations on all of the goodies at the baby deserve them. Your mom would be so proud!!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Loaned? I hope you got them back I couldn't wear Kelly's hand-me-downs now :o) It is a small world though, isn't it? I hope Mama would be proud of me and Charlie too. I think I got one of the best "MOM" teachers anyone could ask for and I hope Mason feels as lucky as I did growing up. We are so fortunate to have so many people care about us and want to give and attend our Baby Shower. I personally dread stuff like that, not that I mind giving, but I hate going to stuff like that. I am such a homebody, but that will come in handy once Mason is born...keeping him home out of the weather.