Saturday, February 14, 2009

Can you believe it's been 3 years!

Look what happened three years ago today!!! My baby had TWO babies!! Aren't they all beautiful? I'm sorry, but I can't help it....I love them so much...Heath too!! That's Dalton Keith in Kelly's arms and Dawson Heath being held by Gandma Vann!! I am so proud of Kelly and Heath....they have done an amazing job with those boys! Happy birthday, Dalton and Dawson!!! Ganny and Pop-Pop love you more than you will ever know!!! Happy Valentine's Day too!!! You two are the best Valentine's present that I have ever gotten!!!


aLLySoN mIcHeLLe said...

Oh this is too sweet I know you love those boys! Happy birthday boys!!!

Judson's Mommy said...

Happy Birthday to Ganny's boys!