Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My Mom

Well, what I have been hoping would NOT happen, did on Sunday. My mom broke her foot and had to have surgery. She was trying to meet us at Los Amigos for Easter lunch and fell trying to get into her car. Someone from her church rode by and saw her lying on the cement under the carport waving for help and she went to the church and got some men to come and get mom up. Well, she got into the car and drove to Los Amigos. I noticed she wasn't getting out of the car and I went outside and she said "I think I broke my foot, but I want to go inside and eat with the boys!" Well John and two male friends could not get her in there, so they got her back into the car and she drove herself to the hospital! I followed her. Anyway, to shorten this book she has to go from the hospital today to Guardian Care for 3 months. The cancer doctor went to see her yesterday and told her she will never live by herself again. So...................I don't know what we will do. A few prayers if you ladies have time.......THANKS!!!


Cathy said...

OMG! I am so sorry....I know that this was not the news you wanted to never know she might show them all. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Kelly said...

Oh my goodness Nancy! I am so sorry! I had not heard anything. Sending many prayers and hugs your way!!!

Mandy said...

Wow...I am so sorry. I know you are worried like crazy for her. I will keep all of you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Oh Nancy, I am so sorry for your are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Judson's Mommy said...

Oh Nancy I am so sorry about your Mom. We have been dealing with MaMa Harrell's fall too. I will be sure to say prayers for you and your Mom.

Patricia said...

Nancy, I am so sorry to hear about your Mother. I will keep her and you and my thoughts and prayers.
Stay strong!!!

aLLySoN mIcHeLLe said...

Nancy, I am sorry!! All I can tell you is to be strong and I wish the best of luck in whatever is thrown your way!! I know she does not want to go to the nursing home she is so independent!! I hope everything works out okay!! Keep me updated and I will keep you, your mom, and your family in my prayers!!