Friday, January 2, 2009

Weight loss

Kelly and Rhonda and anybody else on the weight loss look great to me!!! But if you are not satisfied with yourself, lose it now before you end up like me!!! Really, truly (this comes from my mom-she keeps sounding smarter and smarter! LOL) it is easier to lose the younger you are!! I believe it...take it from is easier to lose a little than to end up like me and be obese! GOOD LUCK!!! Take one day at a time....drink lots and lots of water. I know how to lose it, but I can't keep it off!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Nancy!!!! I have my bottle of water on my desk....trying to get used to it instead of my Diet Mountain Dew!!! Thanks for the encouragement...

Kelly said...

Thanks Nancy!!!! Let me know if you have any tips that can help! I really struggle with the cravings and end up giving into them. I'm trying to drink water instead of regular soft drinks.